Lawyer: Trump comments could bias jurors in terrorism case
Well, now his New York case is on the jury selection process, and according to both The New York Times and the Associated Press, his lawyer Bobbi Sternheim said it will be hard to get unbiased jurors because of Donald Trump. The Vietnamese man has pleaded not guilty to supporting al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula.
"In terms of finding an 'impartial jury", NY has one of the largest populations of Muslims in the United States and it's considered one of the best places for Muslims to travel who are seeking to visit the U.S.
Pham's lawyer argues in court papers Trump's statements have become "a rallying cry inciting public fear of Muslims".
Back in March, Vietnamese man Minh Quang Pham was extradited from the United Kingdom to the USA and pled not guilty to terrorism charges in a NY court.
To make the case more fair, Sternheim also wants jurors to be vetted by asking questions to "root out bias". Pham was arrested at Heathrow International Airport when he returned in July 2011 from a six-month trip to Yemen, where prosecutors say he pledged his support to high-level members of al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula and vowed to fight jihad.