Jep Robertson and Jessica Robertson, known for their regular appearances on the reality series Duck Dynasty, have introduced their adopted son to the world.
Trump on Thursday said he was "truly honored" to receive the endorsement.
The businessman praised the endorsement, saying Robertson "is a great person, has had tremendous success and a really terrific family".
Robertson met with Trump at the Outdoor Sportsman Awards in Las Vegas on Thursday.
The Cruz campaign released a video that shows the outspoken Robertson patriarch describing what he is looking for in a president, and then explaining why Cruz has all those attributes.
Robertson had said earlier in the summer that he thought Trump spoke for many Americans.
"Duck Dynasty's" Jep and Jessica Robertson have adopted a baby boy! In fact, Jase pretty much sticks close to home like his dad Phil does. Jep and Jessica are already parents to four other children, Merritt, Lily, Priscilla, and River. The couple revealed that they adopted a baby boy, Jules Augustus.
Duck Dynasty's Jep and Jessica Robertson are starting off 2016 with an adoption announcement - just like Willie Robertson and his wife Korie! As Korie had posted on her Twitter, their newest addition is a little bit older this time around.
On Wednesday's Duck Dynasty, Willie's and Jase's arch nemesis Phillip McMillan made an appearance, and as per usual it caused quite a ruckus.
What are your thoughts on this public endorsement?
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Aldrich said "the fact that she's a woman and would be the first woman president is obviously appealing". Democratic presidential candidates, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, left, and Sen.