Monday, 04 January, 2016

Hillary staffer stammers through defense of Clinton's Trump/ISIS recruiters claim

Dana Christensen | 01 January, 2016, 17:41

"Much of what he says are lies or gross distortions of reality", Sanders said of Trump, adding there is no evidence to back up Trump's claim Muslims in New Jersey celebrated in the streets after the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks in NY and outside Washington.

"Regime change is easy".

"You can't fight ISIS and Assad at the same time", Trump said during a live telephone interview on CNN's "State of the Union," agreeing with Sanders.

Both Clinton and Sanders spoke about "systemic" racism against people of color and disproportionate application of deadly force, as reported by Newsweek.

But, the first question thrown their way addressed a flare-up between the Sanders and Clinton campaigns and the Democratic National Committee. "It really is important that we go forward on this". It was held at St. Anselm College in New Hampshire, the state with the first primary, February 9.

O'Malley also said Islamic State militants have advised recruits that the best way to get a weapon in the United States is at a gun show where rules are more lenient on the purchase of a firearm. Sanders said he wanted to pursue an independent investigation with Clinton of how the breach occurred. Mrs Clinton came walking in, and said "sorry" into the microphone.

The candidates called on drug companies and doctors to make opioids less accessible to addicts to curb the raging epidemic, and Clinton said she was "proud to get the endorsement" of Boston Mayor Martin J. Walsh, who has battled his own addiction to alcohol. Bernie Sanders seemed during the debate to bury the hatchet over the acquisition of Clinton campaign data by the Sanders campaign, which was able to gain access to the information because a glitch at the DNC. All of this plays to Mrs. Clinton's strengths - not only as a hawkish former secretary of state but also as a savvy politician who follows the public mood.

But despite Sanders' apology, the fallout from the data breach continues.

The Sanders data director was sacked by the campaign last Thursday and two more staffers were suspended Saturday. "When he says, 'No Muslims should be allowed in America, ' they tell people, 'We told you America hates Muslims and here is proof'". "We lose 33,000 people a year already to gun violence, arming more people to do what I think is not the appropriate response to terrorism".

Former secretary of state Clinton, Senator Bernie Sanders and ex-governor Martin O'Malley of Maryland pointed to a need to boost USA security, raise wages and protect women, minorities and the disadvantaged in a face-off in Manchester, New Hampshire.