Council member Joe Cimperman resigns from Cleveland City Council after 18 years
Cleveland City councilman Joe Cimperman has a few more things he'd like to get done before he leaves council for a new role at a local non-profit. That will all change come March, when Cimperman leaves council to assume the role of president at Global Cleveland, a non-profit focused on assisting refugees and immigrants coming to Northeast Ohio.
"There is no one with a bigger heart for the less fortunate in our community than Joe Cimperman", said City Council President Kevin Kelley.
Realistically, even if it were offered, Wobser likely would turn down a Cleveland City Council appointment.
Cimperman represents Ward 3, which includes neighborhoods like Tremont, Ohio City, Duck Island and the Flats, along with downtown Cleveland.
"I congratulate Global Cleveland for a very good choice in selecting Joe Cimperman", said Cleveland Mayor Frank G. Jackson. His work ethic and leadership speak volumes to his capabilities.
Cimperman chairs City Council's Health & Human Services Committee and is a member of the Development, Planning & Sustainability Committee and the Safety Committee. As director, he leveraged existing neighborhood anchors, such as the historic West Side Market and St. Ignatius High School to attract private and public investment and forged strong ties with urban catalysts, such as restaurateur Sam McNulty.